
Suudu Baaba Foundation

Suudu Baaba Foundation (SBF) is a community based, Non-Political, Non-sectional, Philanthropic, Non-Governmental Organization formed in 2017 but legally registered in March 2018 with the Office of the Registrar of Companies by the Ashanti Regional Chief of Fulani who is also and the National Vice President of the Fulani Chiefs in Ghana after the demise of his elder brother in November 2017.

The formation of this organization as a result of the efforts by the Chief of Fulani (Fulbe) to integrate, they are often reminded that they are strangers who do not belong to the community. They are not allowed to exercise their basic rights such as participating in gatherings, National Identification (NHIA) Card, National Health Insurance (NHIS) cards, attain Voter’s Identification (EC) card and are not allowed to vote even in district level elections, they are not allowed to access education. The Fulani community is largely presumed to be aliens and therefore subject to all manner of ridicule. Their right is always being trapped at and have nowhere to go, their cattle’s are killed and sometimes their lives are also at risk in the slightest incidents between them and crop farmers. The Fulani therefore are not identified as community members though they have stayed in the area for a long time. The local community is indifferent to the younger Fulani’s who have been born in the area and have no other place of origin.


Strategic Goal

Suudu Baaba Foundation goal is striving towards Sustainable Development, Health and Economic Empowerment.

Our Passion

Fulani Women, Children and Youths have continued to bear the burdens of the existent inequality in the spread of access to wealth and socio-economic activities that benefits them. Suudu Baaba Foundation (SBF) was born out of Passion to bridge the gap existed between the under privileged and vulnerable groups especially Women, Children, Youths and Herders in our society with right information; and create access to quality health care services, portable water, sound environment, Good governance and quality education as well as fight injustices meted to these target groups in order to entrenched equal rights and privilege to all irrespective of age, sex education and economic status etc.


— Our Motto

Unity and Development


— Our Vision

Suudu Baaba Foundation envisions creating an enabling environment that supports the livelihoods of herdsmen, youth, and the girl child, with a particular focus on enhancing education within Fulbe (Fulani) communities.

— Our Mission

To improve the lives in marginalized Fulani communities by significantly improving on their health, economic, educational and general wellbeing through counselling, education, support and advocacy globally.


Suduubaba Foundation Logo
Mutual Respect
Equity and Justice
Transparency & Accountability


Capacity Building/ Education
Conflict Management
Water and Sanitation
Advocacy/ Social Mobilization
Sexual and Reproductive Health
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Fulani (Fulbe) Communities
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People With Disabilities (PWDs)
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Widows, Orphans and Vulnerable Groups
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Women, Men, Youths, Children and Girl Child

Suudu Baaba Foundation stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment for marginalized Fulbe communities, embodying the values of compassion, resilience, and solidarity. Through its multifaceted approach to addressing health, economic, educational, and general well-being challenges, the foundation not only transforms individual lives but also catalyzes positive change at the community and societal levels. With a steadfast commitment to serving the most vulnerable, Suudu Baaba Foundation continues to inspire hope, foster resilience, and build a brighter future for generations to come.

Contact Details:

Office of the Executive Director:
Post Office Box 670, Kumasi
Manhyia – Kumasi
+233 (0)26 269 6850